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Top 10 Programming Languages

Top 10 Programming Languages in Demand
Welcome back to my blog! In the growing phase of  IT industry, many new programming languages are designed to fulfill small/big projects, build applications, websites, softwares and what not!?
Every programming language has its own significance, uses, advantages and disadvantages.
Here are some of the programming languages in high demand:

1. JavaScript.
JavaScript is a high-level programming language of HTML and web. It is used for front-end developing. Main purpose of JavaScript is:
1.1. Reduce server side trafficking.
It tries to reduce maximum number at client side so that products do not get affected by poor performance.
1.2. Provides client side validation.
For example, if a user enters wrong email ID, JavaScript sends validation message that the entered email ID is wrong.
1.3. Used for pop-ups, alerts, client side calculations, etc.
1.4. Provides connection between front-end and back-end users.


2. Java.
Java is a high-level object oriented programming language. Java is one of the most powerful, stable, compatible, robust, secure, portable, platform independent and dynamic programming language.
Java is used almost everywhere- in mobile phones(Android), television remotes, computers, etc.
Android, the most common and widely used operating system in mobile phones, tablets and computers is entirely based on Java! Java is also used in Google Maps and games.

Advantages of Java:
→ Java is one of the most powerful, stable, compatible, robust, secure, portable, platform independent and dynamic programming language.
→ Java offers a rich pack of APIs for database connection, networking, I/O and much more.
Disadvantages of Java:
→ Java compiler is not finely optimized as compared to C++.
→ Memory management with Java is little expensive.

3. SQL.
SQL(Structured Query Language) is not a programming language, but a query language. SQL is used to store, access and manipulate data in a database at both, back-end side and front-end side.
One of its advantages is that it is a user friendly language. The user is not required to have complete programming knowledge.

Advantages of SQL:
→ Large amount of data can be retrieved quickly and more efficiently.
→ SQL restricts the access of the table so that nobody can insert rows/columns in it.
→ SQL can join two or more tables and show it as one.
Disadvantages of SQL:
→ Interfacing a SQL database is more complex than adding a few lines of code.
→ It is an object so it occupies space.

4. Ruby:
Ruby is a dynamic, object oriented, general purpose, reflective programming language. It was designed in mid 90s. Developed mostly in Linux, it also runs on other operating systems such as DOS, Windows, Macintosh and others.

5. Rust:
Rust is a very easy to learn programming language. It is probably the only programming language that can replace C++ completely. Rust is designed to develop programs at a large scale.

Advantages of Rust:
→ Rust is easy to learn.
Disadvantages of Rust:
→ It is slow.

6. Haskell:
Haskell is a standardized, general-purpose purely functional programming language.
Haskell is used in various sectors ranging from aerospace to defense.

Advantages of Haskell:
→ It is a powerful language.
→ It has functionally the power of C++.
Disadvantages of Haskell:
→ It takes a long to learn Haskell.
→ Not suitable for making time critical applications.

7. PHP:
PHP(Personal Home Page) is an open source general purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.

Advantages of PHP:
→ PHP is a very easy to learn programming language.
→ You can easily find functional modules you need such as PDF, graph, etc.
→ Can be run on any platform like Windows, Linux, Macintosh, etc.
Disadvantages of PHP:
→ Since it is open source, people can see its source code.
→ It is not suitable for large scale applications.

8. C#:
C#(pronounced as see sharp) is an object-oriented programming language that aims to combine the power of C++ with Visual Basic. C# is based on C++ and contains similar feature of Java.
C# is used to create system application.

Advantages of C#:
→ It combines the power of C++ and Java.
→ C# uses effective and reusable components.
Disadvantages of C#:
→ It is sometimes slow.
→ It has little or no portability.

9. Swift:
Swift is a wonderful language to make softwares for mobile phones, desktop computers, tablets, laptops or anything that runs code.

Advantages of Swift:
→ Swift is friendly to new programmers.
→ It is safe, fast and interactive programming language..
Disadvantages of Swift:
→ Structs do not support inheritance.

10. Python:
Python is widely used high-level programming language for general purpose programming. It is mostly used in making video games and in YouTube.

Advantages of Python:
→ It uses familiar English words like "not", "in" etc.
→ It does not require any terminating character (;) like other languages do such as C and Java.
→ It is easy to learn.
Disadvantages of Python:
→ Python is better suited for desktop computing. It is weak in mobile computing.
→ Python executes the code with an interpreter instead of compiler. This causes it to slow down.


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